
Production Time: 5 Working Days
$2.63 each
Minimum Quantity: 100
$38.00 each
Plastic spiral bound journal with 70 lined pages. First page features a business card pocket, mini yellow sticky note pad and 5 color sticky flags. (25 sheets each). This Jotter Incudes a Stylus twist action ballpoint pen. (item# 5273) with your imprint!

Normal Production Time
5 Working Days

Product Size
7h X 5w

Additional Information
Available product colors: Cover: Translucent White, Blue or Green. Pen: Red, Blue, Black, Teal, Purple or Green.
Price includes 1c imprint on pen.
Imprint area on Notes/Jotters: 2 1/2 x 5.
Pen imprint area: 1 3/4 x 3/4 .
Pen Clip Imprint Area: 3/4 x 3/16.
Free Rush Service: 72 Hours from art approval .
You must specify on PO: Pad color, Imprint color on pad, Pen color and Imprint color on pen.

Setup charge : $38 (g) & $25 (g) for exact re-orders
Additional Imprint Color: Add $38 (g) Setup & $0.25 (g) Run Charge Per Piece, Per Color.

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2021 HALO Branded Solutions, Inc.